October 31st, 2010 by sara

Happy Halloween!

It was our little screech owl’s first Halloween!  I made her a costume mainly out of felt, which is a pretty great material for making all kinds of costumes and playthings.


And Jonah was a catcher this year. I wasn’t able to get a very good picture of his costume tonight, but it’s gotten a whole lot of use already in his backyard baseball games. He loves his knee pads, mask, and chest protector, also made from felt.



Last night, there was a pumpkin fund raiser in town where there were around 5,000 carved pumpkins to see. We went last year, and I knew Nora would especially enjoy seeing all the pumpkins.


Since he was dressed up as a catcher, Jonah was thrilled to see Sluggo, the local minor league baseball mascot. Sluggo pretended to give him some signals and throw a few pitches. :)


And then Jonah was tickling Nora a little bit, and she was very pleased with the brotherly attention.


For the actual trick-or-treating night, this is the best picture I could manage of the two of them together…


…even though I tried to bribe Nora into cooperating by letting her chew on crinkly plastic baggies.


Jonah was really nervous about the whole trick-or-treating thing at first. He wanted to do it, but when it came right down to saying “trick or treat,” he just couldn’t bring himself to say the words. We started at the houses of a few people we know, but that didn’t seem to matter. However, after the sixth or seventh house, he finally did it and was very proud of himself. He was pretty impressed with his load of candy back at home, too.


Nora, of course, comes over to see what she can put in her mouth.



So, wise owl, how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?


And just because it’s fun, here’s Halloween 2009.


Halloween 2008


And Halloween 2007



5 Responses to “Happy Halloween!”
  1. Grandma & Grandpa says

    WOW! Super job on those costumes! Jonah sure looked like a pro and Nora made the most adorable owl ever. You guys must have had a great time, (and for us the pictures were almost like being there.) Love you all. :)

    did you sift through the candy and pick out your favorites??

  2. Gran and Grandad says

    Loved the trick or treaters! Costumes were so original. Good Job, Mom! Obviously, the kids enjoyed the evening.
    And that is what it is all about.


    Gran and Grandad

  3. Aunt Jeanne says

    So did Nora have an answer about how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? Thought the costumes were priceless! Nice work, Sara. :)

  4. Gran and Grandad says

    Looks like you, Jonah and Nora, had a happy halloween. You are already a great catcher, Jonah. Like you outfit.


    Uncle Larry

  5. Nanny and Granpy says

    We just loved the halloween costumes, thought they were the cleverest
    costumes I have ever seen. Boy I think you missed your calling Sara, you should have been a designer of children’s clothes and all of their toys!!! Wonderful job. Can’t wait for Thanksgiving and Christmas. The other pictures were just soooo great and how we enjoyed them. Thanks for the great Halloween care. Tell Jonah and Nora how great they can sign their names and also the words.
    Love & Kisses to you all,
    Gr. Nanny & Gr. Granpy

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