June 16th, 2010 by sara

Nora at Six Months


This month, Nora sprouted two new teeth in the middle of the bottom, and they’re becoming more and more visible when she laughs and yells. She’s also become a champion sitter, and can bend forward to reach for toys and sit back up with almost no problems. Every once in a while, she will end up flattened out on her back or stomach, but usually seems kind of amused by her new point of view. She likes to play with cups and buckets, pulling things out of them, and knocking over towers. Still no rolling, so Jonah’s toys remain safe for another day.

Nora’s playing around with lots of different sounds. She tries to smack her lips to copy some funny noises that Sean makes and likes to test the limits of her voice where she’s straining but not making any sound come out. When she wants to make noise, though, she is LOUD! She also has a loud, continuous kind of gravelly wail/yell she does when she’s getting tired and falling asleep, which is pretty hilarious, especially when she does it in public.

The greatest entertainment in the house for her is, of course, Jonah. She loves to watch whatever he’s doing, and he’s getting to be a better sport about voluntarily doing things near her and bringing her little toys that he thinks she’ll like. He still doesn’t love sharing the bath with her, but she thinks it’s pretty great to watch him playing in the tub. Being the second child, Nora has a lot more practice finding entertainment for herself, and can be very content sitting and playing with her things, especially if she can also see what Jonah’s doing. She’s also gotten more interested in Sean’s guitar playing and has started to join the boys for their bedtime music time if she’s not too tired.

This month, Nora’s also moved into her ‘stranger anxiety’ phase a bit. She definitely expresses a preference for being with her mom and dad. She’ll be fine with someone else as long as she doesn’t see or hear a parent (especially mom) to remind her that we haven’t been in her sight. We’ve also noticed the huge smiles, laughs, and kicking legs that accompany Sean’s arrival home from work. She is most definitely glad to see him!

She loves being outside, which is nice now that the weather is finally seeming slightly summer-like. She can do her swing in the backyard as well as the swings at the park, enjoys walks, and doesn’t mind sitting with her bare legs and feet in the grass.

Overall, she remains a very happy girl, learning lots of new things. :)

Weight: 16 lb 2 oz
Height: 26 in



4 Responses to “Nora at Six Months”
  1. Gran and Grandad says

    She is such a beautiful baby, but didn’t we say that before? Glad she is showing such progress.

  2. Gran and Grandad says

    P.S. So happy and relieved about the Portland results. Now comes roll-overs, then crawling, then she will take on the world!!!!

    Love you all

  3. Nanny and Granpy says

    What a beauty!!!! She is just gorgeous. Those beautiful eyes and that darling smile. She looks so much like her big brother. He is just so handsome. They are wonderful little sister and brother and sooooo beautiful. We are so proud to be their great grandparents!!!
    Love them both so much. Keep up the wonderful job you are doing as parents. We just love it.
    Love you all,
    Nanny and Granpy

  4. Nanny and Granpy says

    Hi Jonah,
    We just loved seeing you at the ballpark with your Dad. You both look like you were enjoying it. I loved the pink bat. It was sooo
    colorful. I just bet Jonah, that you are going to be a baseball player. You really know how to hit that ball.
    Love you little guy,
    Nanny and Granpy

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