March 13th, 2011 by sara

Nora at Fifteen Months


If I were to sum up Nora’s past month in one word, it would be “bread.” The girl is crazy about the stuff. She is signing for bread all day long, runs and points to the cabinets where we keep it, looks for pictures of bread in books, even jokes about eating bread while I change her diapers. If I ask her if she wants bread, I get the biggest smile and “YeahYeah!”

She has quite the appetite for food in general – loves all kinds of fruit, pasta, cheese, (and bread) – and has gone through what must be a growth spurt this past month. She’s been eating like crazy, sleeping later in the mornings, and still taking her long afternoon naps. She’s totally off of her bottles and drinks milk out of cups with her meals, just like her big brother. She likes to time her sips so that she’s drinking at the exact same time he is and thinks that’s pretty funny.

A new promising thing that’s been happening in the past week or so is that Nora’s started sometimes telling us when her diaper needs to be changed, by pointing at her pants and saying something that sounds serious. Then when I say we should go change her diaper, she runs away and loves to make me chase her down. She is not a fan of diaper changes in general, so I think it’s funny that she basically asks for them.

Nora still loves books, music, pictures of babies, the outdoors, and now (somehow) clothes. I’m not sure where she gets such a thing. If it’s in her genes, it must be some very, very deeply recessive genes from her parents… Anyway, she has specific favorite pajamas (purple ones with a big green frog) and shirts that she will pull out of the laundry pile when only the tiniest part is showing. She holds them up against herself, smiles, and trots off down the hall to check herself out in the mirror. She will bring me different shoes, hats, jackets, and want to put them on and go look at herself or go show her dad. It is quite funny.

Weight: 22 lb 4 oz
Height 29.5 in





4 Responses to “Nora at Fifteen Months”
  1. Aunt Jeanne says

    She probably gets her fashionista tendencies from her auntie, hahaha! :) Happy to take her shopping anytime!

  2. Grandma & Grandpa says

    What a SUPER report!! I especially like the foot salute! :)
    You are pretty special, Nora!

  3. Grandad says

    Growing up!! How fast it takes place.

  4. Hi big Nora, sending you (and your family) some love from Jordan!!!

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