July 25th, 2010 by sara

Happy Campers

Sean and Jonah set up the tent on Friday night for some backyard camping. It’s been especially hot inside our house in the evenings, so Sean was looking forward to some outdoor sleep.



Nora practiced her crawling/yoga while they got things ready.



Finally, after changing his mind five hundred times, Jonah decided that yes, he did want to sleep in the tent. He really liked hearing his bedtime stories in the tent and seeing the moon and stars. Around 3 am, it apparently got pretty chilly and they didn’t have enough (any) blankets, so Sean tried to just carry Jonah into bed and finish out the night inside. Jonah, however, woke up and desperately wanted to return to the tent, so they gathered some blankets and back out they went. Looks like we have a future happy camper in the family!



3 Responses to “Happy Campers”
  1. Grandma & Grandpa says

    Oooooo, that looks like so much FUN– I BET Dad liked being out in the cool night. By the way, where did Mom sleep??? :)

  2. Gran and Grandad says

    Great! Sleeping out. It must be in the genes. Not even afraid of the dark (Remember, Sean? “DAD. IT’S DARK OUT HERE!”) Can’t be more like his dad than that. Suggestion, hike for about 5-10 miles and he will sleep right through the 3:00 a.m. cold and any stones beneath the tent.

    And what wonderful Yoga. Nora is going to be even more of a beauty than she already is.

    Great, memorable pictures. Thanks so much for sharing. Gran/Grandad

  3. Hey, Jonah – want to come camping with me in the Coronado National Forest in September? Aunt Jeanne could use an experienced camper!

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