July 4th, 2010 by sara

Nora Meets Rice Cereal

The doctor advised us to start Nora on rice cereal first, even though it is totally disgusting. I remember it took Jonah months before he wanted to eat any kind of cereal, and even then he only liked it with fruit mixed in. But we gave it a try with Nora anyway. She was quite pleased to be sitting up in the high chair. Poor little girl… she had no idea what was about to happen.


After batting the spoon away a few times, a tiny bit made it past her lips.

Her initial reaction:


It didn’t get any better from there.




She definitely did not even swallow a total of a spoonful, and was pretty well horrified by the attempts, so I let her see if she just wanted to play with the cereal. At first she was curious.



But then she was just as disgusted as she was when it was near her mouth.



Poor Nora. What a rough meal.



4 Responses to “Nora Meets Rice Cereal”
  1. Awesome Aunt Lisa says

    I’m laughing so hard! That last picture…poor Nora!

  2. Gran and Grandad and Uncle Larry says

    Dearest Nora, can’t blame you for your rice cereal funny faces. But it will get better when you can get to Rice Crispies — Snap, Crackle, and Pop! You are so cute in your high chair. That will be lots of fun. Love to you, Jonah and Mom and Dad.

  3. Grandma and Grandpa says

    GG doesn’t like cereal either. Her face looks the same as yours. Candy’s better, but it rots your teeth. :)

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