August 9th, 2009 by sara

Jonah Turns Two!!

Happy birthday, Jonah!!


Jonah got to have a whole birthday weekend of fun this year. We started with some presents on Friday, his actual birthday.




Then Grandma and Grandpa showed up to visit for a few days. It was also the weekend of the art festival in town, so we spent a little time down there checking things out. Sean ran in a short race that evening, and we cheered him on.


Jonah got to share some Italian ice, and enjoyed that a whole lot! (after he recovered from the shock of the first cold bite)



Down the street, the fire trucks and ambulances were on display. One of the fire trucks had its ladder all the way up, and Jonah was extremely excited about this. This is his ‘excited face.’ :)


He kept saying, “That fire truck has a big ladder on top going way up in the skyyyyyy!”


That night, Grandma helped make frosting, and I decorated Jonah’s dump truck cake.



The next morning, he got to open some more presents. This one was really funny because he had ripped off a little piece of paper and said, “I know what this is!”


And it was a truck. He’s pretty good at identifying trucks by only seeing the tiniest part of one.


He has really enjoyed playing with pasta at his friend, Luke’s, house. I colored a little box of his own to play with and string up.


Some new puppets to talk to and tickle and kiss…


…and feed colored pasta to.


Garbage trucks on a shirt!!


We also got Jonah a little fish tank – he always loves watching the fish at the pet store, and he was pretty excited to pick a fish to bring home.


Time to release the new pet!


“That fish is swimming around in there!”


“Is he coming over to look at you?”


Time to blow out the candle and eat some cake!! He gave the candle-blowing a try, and then said, “Do you just want Dad to blow it out?”


“There is cake under my dump truck.”


Yum. Cake on a forklift fork.



We’re looking forward to our third year with this great little guy!



4 Responses to “Jonah Turns Two!!”
  1. Gran and Grandad says

    WOW, JONAH, YOU NOT ONLY HAD A BIRTHDAY, YOU HAD A BIRTH-WEEKEND. And so many Birthday wishes, a visit from Grandma and Grandpa, and all those gifts! A pet fish! a bull dozer fork! a slinky! And other things too. Then to top it off, visits to the Fire Truck with the big ladder and a cake made by Mom and Grandma. Not many two year olds are as loved as you!! WOW X two.


    Gran and Grandad

  2. Happy Birthday Jonah!

    You have nice new trucks.

    You ate a good cake.

    Happy Birthday Jonah!

    -Nia, Sandra and Adam

  3. Nanny and Granpy says

    Happy Birthday Jonah!!!
    Wow what a birthday, a beautiful cake with a truck on it, you saw a big fire engine, you had a truck on your shirt. Boy oh boy, you have your own fish tank with a fish in it. Did you pick him out and give him a name? My birthday was August 9th, so you and Gr. Nanny are Leo’s together, how about that. That means we will have many friends and animals to love, because Leo’s are lion’s and they are from the animal kingdom. Hope you have a wonderful year until you become 3 years old.
    Love you our little man,
    Gr Nanny and Gr Granpy

  4. Aunt Jeanne says

    Jonah, they’re getting you started early on the Rita’s, I see. Go Mom & Dad!

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