April 21st, 2009 by sara

The Haircut!

Today was the much-needed, long-awaited, eagerly-anticipated first haircut!

Before (oh, the curls…)












We were lucky enough to find someone who knew what they were doing and was willing to come to our house. Jonah was very anxious at first – there were a few tears and the sad lip made an appearance. After a little while, though, he got interested in playing with a comb, and things got better. Sean played some of his favorite songs on the guitar as a distraction, and then Jonah got to watch some garbage trucks in action on youtube. What fun.

It’s so funny to see him running around with his new haircut. He looks so much older!



9 Responses to “The Haircut!”
  1. Awesome Aunt Lisa says

    Aww, he looks like such a little boy!! It definitely makes him look older. In addition to his adorable haircut, I love his big ol baby belly and just about died laughing that you used videos of garbage trucks on youtube to distract him!!

  2. Courtney says

    OK….now that just makes me sad. He looks like a little man!! :( But very cute. Very VERY cute…I wonder if Cora will still think the little girl in her book is “nonah” now….since his little curls are gone and the girl in the picture will still have hers. :)

  3. Aunt Jeanne says

    He definitely has that pre-schooler look going now — but still too cute for words! Glad to hear the experience wasn’t too traumatic for him, either!

  4. Grandad says

    Hey, Good Lookin, whatcha got cookin?” Jonah, you look just great. Your hair cut makes you really stand out in the crowd. You and your dad can be “twins” now. (Sara, hope you saved a lock — it will be precious as a sweet memory jog when he is truly older.) What a great day!!



  5. Awww… I remember Terry’s first haircut… bittersweet because it seems like the “baby” in them disappears but they look so darn cute with the haircut too. Now the haircutting thing is just annoying because it seems like Terry’s hair grows so fast!

    Jonah looks great!
    Talk to you soon!

  6. Wow, what a little man! He looks so different but still adorable. And like Lisa I’m glad to see that incredible baby belly isn’t gone yet!

  7. Colleen & Cameron says

    SO CUTE!!! Handsome little man!

  8. Uncle Johnny says


    One of the first times Riley got his haircut, his friend Benny happened to be in the chair next to him. (When I say chair, I mean spaceship, firetruck, or airplane…)

    Riley’s cut was fairly relaxed, probably because of the excitement over getting to play with action figures for the first time, but poor Benny kept letting loose with absolutely blood boiling scream every few seconds. It was probably the loudest sound I ever heard, before or since.

    It seems like you make out okay!

  9. Grandma and Grandpa says

    Jonah was always “gorgeous”, but now he’s a handsome little man– still our (gorgeous) little boy! Cuter than ever. Love him bunches and bunches!! :)

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