Archive for the ‘Dad’ Category

June 10th, 2013 by seans

Nora rides a two-wheeler!

Today Nora started riding a two wheel pedal bike – with no training wheels! Straight from a balance bike to a pedal bike, on loan from her friend Declan. Yay Nora!

Nora Pedaling!

April 15th, 2013 by seans

Gone Fishin’

The kids and I went out to the Oregon Fish and Wildlife’s “Free Fishing Day” down in Cottage Grove on Saturday. It was a cool, cloudy day with many people out fishing. Both Nora and Jonah fished for a couple of hours with Jonah finally catching a nice little Rainbow trout – his first ever catch.

January 19th, 2013 by seans

Making a Train . . .

Today’s project: Making a train yard and creating a story.

Train Time Lapse

June 15th, 2012 by sara

Mount Pisgah

Two weeks ago, we went for a family hike up Mt. Pisgah, which is a pretty steep trip (for little legs and an out-of-shape mom) up to a nice high spot to look at our surrounding area.

Lucky Nora got a ride most of the way (and made it look like Sean was wearing a cute hat).


Jonah climbed his way up a few rocky areas off on the side. Then we realized that there was poison oak everywhere, and made him stay close to the middle of the trail.



Surveying the countryside…


We made it! It was pretty chilly and overcast at the top, but it was nice to get a look around.


Back at the bottom, we enjoyed a picnic lunch before heading home.

June 3rd, 2012 by sara

Seattle trip part 1

Over Memorial Day weekend, we took a trip up to Seattle to visit family and go to the Northwest Folklife Festival. We had a great time and took many photos. Because of this, we have decided to break the posts up into two parts – below is part one:

Nora and Jonah both enjoyed playing baseball in the ballpark that Grandad made for them:



Jonah even enjoyed being the catcher and calling pitches to strike out Uncle Larry:


Jonah did a great job of running down his uncle and making the tag for the out, too!



Nora is ready to make the catch!


One morning we took a walk down to the ship canal in Ballard to look at the boats:


Finally some photos with Gran and Grandad:




When the kids decided to do the wave, Gran got right in the spirit and joined ’em!


We had a great trip and look forward to seeing everyone again sometime this summer!