Archive for the ‘Holiday’ Category

December 18th, 2010 by sara

Decorating the Tree

Last weekend, we brought the tree inside and started decorating. This is the first year that Jonah’s been really interested in hanging ornaments himself, so that was fun.


He had to concentrate really hard on picking the right spot and getting the hooks around the branch.



Also, it is really hard to decorate a tree with a one-year-old around who wants to suck on lights and eat glittery ornaments. Poor Nora soon had to hang out in the pack-n-play with her Christmas books.


And she wasn’t really this upset, but the picture cracks me up because I caught her right in the middle of making one of her crazy noises, so it looks like she reeeeaallly wants to get out. :)


After most of the decorating was done, Nora got to come out and have some supervised visiting with the ornaments. Luckily, a week later, some of the novelty has worn off and she can be in the living room without eating the tree. Most of the time.


And I always wish Christmas tree pictures came out better, but here’s a blurry view of Nora happily enjoying all the lights. :)


December 11th, 2010 by sara

Santa and a Tree

Today we went to see Santa!


Nora did great – she didn’t fuss at all, just really studied the big bearded guy holding her and was probably just a little confused. I think she’s starting to get the hang of what a “Santa” is, though. :)


We had been practicing with Jonah what kinds of things he might say to Santa about whether he’s been good and what kinds of things he might like him to bring, but he was quite awestruck when the time came! With a little encouragement, he managed to remember that he wanted trains. :)


Then we came home and took advantage of a rare break in the rain this weekend to run out and get our Christmas tree. Since we have a much nicer car this year, we decided to walk to the nearby grocery store parking lot and bring the tree home with the help of Jonah’s wagon.


Jonah sized up some trees, looking for ones that would be good.



Nora was happy to look around for a little bit, and then she just wanted to touch every tree.


The boys wait patiently for the guys to cut the bottom off of the trunk. An hour later, Jonah is still carefully licking the same little candy cane that Santa gave him.


The tree is loaded and tied down.


Off we go.


On the (very rainy) walk home, Jonah named us all after different trains and chugged home with our Christmas tree freight car to unload in our “shed”.


The tree is standing up in the garage to dry now, and we’ll decorate tomorrow!

October 31st, 2010 by sara

Happy Halloween!

It was our little screech owl’s first Halloween!  I made her a costume mainly out of felt, which is a pretty great material for making all kinds of costumes and playthings.


And Jonah was a catcher this year. I wasn’t able to get a very good picture of his costume tonight, but it’s gotten a whole lot of use already in his backyard baseball games. He loves his knee pads, mask, and chest protector, also made from felt.



Last night, there was a pumpkin fund raiser in town where there were around 5,000 carved pumpkins to see. We went last year, and I knew Nora would especially enjoy seeing all the pumpkins.


Since he was dressed up as a catcher, Jonah was thrilled to see Sluggo, the local minor league baseball mascot. Sluggo pretended to give him some signals and throw a few pitches. :)


And then Jonah was tickling Nora a little bit, and she was very pleased with the brotherly attention.


For the actual trick-or-treating night, this is the best picture I could manage of the two of them together…


…even though I tried to bribe Nora into cooperating by letting her chew on crinkly plastic baggies.


Jonah was really nervous about the whole trick-or-treating thing at first. He wanted to do it, but when it came right down to saying “trick or treat,” he just couldn’t bring himself to say the words. We started at the houses of a few people we know, but that didn’t seem to matter. However, after the sixth or seventh house, he finally did it and was very proud of himself. He was pretty impressed with his load of candy back at home, too.


Nora, of course, comes over to see what she can put in her mouth.



So, wise owl, how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?


And just because it’s fun, here’s Halloween 2009.


Halloween 2008


And Halloween 2007


July 4th, 2010 by sara

4th of July and Carrots

Today we headed to a park in town where they were having an art festival with some music and food. It was a beautiful day to be outside. Here’s Nora, rocking the patriotic clothing for the family. :)



Jonah got to have a bunch of kettle corn… mmmm… and a vegan cupcake which was “really REALLY good!”



Hey! A picture with Mom in it!


We also let Nora try some carrots today (fresh from the farmers market!) We’re supposed to wait five days in between foods, but since she barely ate any rice at all yesterday, we decided that didn’t count and moved on to try a veggie. I’d rather not torture her for the next four days and have her decide that eating is awful. She started out eager…


…and even though she made some pretty amazing faces, she didn’t seem to mind the taste. It just took her a while to figure out what to do with something on her tongue. She actually went on to eat a tablespoon or so.





Jonah pulled up his chair because he wanted to watch Nora with food all over her face.


She did manage several smiles, too. More carrots tomorrow!


That face reminded me of a picture from when Jonah tried squash.


April 4th, 2010 by sara

Happy Easter

Nora’s first Easter and Jonah’s third!



Nora was interested in the Easter basket and while trying to figure out how to grab it or get it in her mouth…


…she tipped it right over!


She liked hearing the eggs shake and tried to pick them up to put them in her mouth, too. They were a little too big and slippery, though.


Jonah managed to find most of his eggs around the living room without too many hints. He was especially pleased to find that there were “chocolate bunny cookies!” inside AND that he got to eat some before breakfast. :)


