July 8th, 2013 by seans

Sweet Creek Falls and the Beach!

We took yesterday and went on a nice little hike along the shores of Sweet Creek, in the Coast Range. After this, we headed to Florence where we spent several windy minutes on the beach at the North Jetty. The windy beach was Nora’s favorite part of the day. :)

2013-07-07 11.25.04

2013-07-07 11.34.33

2013-07-07 11.53.16

2013-07-07 14.52.38

2013-07-07 14.52.42

July 2nd, 2013 by sara

Water Play!

So it has been HOT here.  Like hot enough that I even admit it is hot.  ;)  So this weekend, we got a hose for the backyard and a sprinkler for the kids to play around in.  Nora is a huge fan of being surprised by cold water, so she loves this.  Jonah does a bit of running through it, too, although he is most excited about playing ‘sprinkler ball’, a game that is suspiciously like baseball but involves pitching, hitting, and running – – through spraying water(!)

First, some pictures of our little waterbug.

2013-06-29 13.08.52
2013-06-29 13.08.33
2013-06-29 13.07.07
2013-06-29 13.06.53
2013-06-27 16.04.42
2013-06-27 15.49.12
And then a video of the kids playing in the water.  :)

July 1st, 2013 by sara

Phoebe Visits!

And she’s old enough to really play now.  So much fun and cuteness!

The kids had fun playing in their rooms – building train tracks, playing with dolls, and just being silly.  It was great to watch Phoebe ask Nora to play and have Nora go off down the hall with her, and they would just figure out stuff to do together.


There were also a few rounds of popsicles, since it was basically in the 90s for most of the visit.

2013-06-28 11.27.22


2013-06-28 11.24.41


2013-06-28 19.28.53



We went to the park to ride bikes, but Phoebe was suddenly not interested in biking.  No worry, Jonah, Uncle Jonathan will race you!

2013-06-28 11.09.02


There was a lot of sndbox playing as well.  Phoebe helped with a bunch of scooping and stirring for Nora’s ‘recipe’ and Nora baked it up on her legs.  Nice job, Nora…

2013-06-29 16.30.57


2013-06-29 16.48.02

Jonah and Phoebe worked together to make “the biggest mountain ever.”


And of course, the obligatory cousin photo shoot which mostly ended in pretty hilarious combinations of expressions.

2013-06-30 09.09.44
2013-06-30 09.09.58
2013-06-30 09.10.32




June 25th, 2013 by seans

Jonah at bat, again!

As the baseball season continues (and winds down), Jonah is enjoying his playing a lot. He’s getting better at the game too! Here’s his at-bat from yesterday’s game:

Jonah at Bat

June 24th, 2013 by seans

Eugene Emeralds with Nora!

Some photos of our time at the Eugene Emeralds baseball game:
2013-06-23 20.00.13 HDR
Nora was exhausted after the game.
2013-06-23 19.27.50
Sluggo and Nora became fast friends throughout the game!
2013-06-23 17.09.48 HDR
Can you find the fan of Sluggo?
2013-06-23 15.40.01