August 10th, 2008 by sara

Outdoor Weekend

The weather this weekend has been just perfect, and since Sean has to head back to work on Monday, we’ve been having lots of outdoor family fun. Yesterday we went to walk around a pond near here. Jonah saw some ducks and geese and tried to quack at them – he’s starting to try to mimic us more these days. He also enjoyed pointing at things and picking up rocks, sticks, and pine cones along the trail.



“Hey, Dad, look at that!”



This morning, he was all ready to go for a jog with Sean.


After breakfast, we went to walk around the horticulture gardens at the university. It was our first time there, and it’s a pretty good place for Jonah to roam around – lots of pathways, some open space, and cool flowers and leaves for him to point at. There was also a pond with a tiny waterfall and a ton of goldfish.








5 Responses to “Outdoor Weekend”
  1. Grandad says

    Sara — the picture of the two of them standing, looking over the fence, down into the pond, is just marvelous. There is such a wonderful similarity between the backsides of Sean and Jonah, both in shorts, legs in similar posture — big guy and little guy. It is beautiful. You have a lovely sense for taking pictures!!!!

  2. Grandad says

    Addendum — Sara, upon further reflection, the picture I referred to is “prize” quality. Suggest you consider submitting for a contest.

  3. Aunt Jeanne says

    Jonah, you look so much like your daddy in the picture of you on the bench. There are lots of pics of Sean when he was young with that exact same smile on his face!

  4. Jonah, your expressions are simply PRICELESS!! We just love the look on your face every time you see something new. Bet you had the time of your life- your birthday weekend was simply the BEST!! :)

  5. Cousin Tracy says

    I think these pics are just wonderful of baby Jonah enjoying the outdoors with mommy and daddy! He certainly is getting a lot of exposure of the great outdoors which is just great. I hope that our little guys can meet someday as they are only 4 days apart, they would have such a grand time together!

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