October 30th, 2011 by sara

Halloween Costumes

One day, Jonah and I were looking online for photos of the Phillie Phanatic because he was wondering something about the kind of socks he wears. We stumbled across a photo of a kid who had a Phanatic hat, and Jonah said he really wanted me to make him a Phillie Phanatic costume for Halloween. And he asked so sweetly and optimistically – “Oh Mom. I just know you could sew one up with your sewing machine!” that I knew I had to give it a good try. Well, I looked through patterns I already had to see what could be adapted in some way to make a Phanatic, and I (and Jonah, of course) couldn’t be happier with how it turned out!





He was running all over, doing his Phanatic moves and shaking his tail all around. It was hilarious.

“You’re outta here!!”


Jonah also helped decide that Nora should be a ladybug. That costume was a lot easier, but no less cute.



So last night we went downtown, where they had thousands of pumpkins to see. Both kids liked looking around for funny faces and weird pumpkin decorating materials. (The one with green bean ears was a hit.)




Both kids walked in the children’s costume parade, and Jonah won a $50 gift card for “funniest costume.” Hooray!!

Oh, and Jonah said, “Mom, you said this costume was going to take a long time and be a lot of work, but really it only took you eight minutes a day.”  Ummm… yeah…  something like that.  :)



3 Responses to “Halloween Costumes”
  1. Aunt Lisa says

    The last photo is just great.

  2. Grandma & Grandpa says

    We both KNEW that CUTENESS would rise to a whole new level!!! Fantastic job, MOM!!! And what a fun time you all had! :)


    Sara, the costumes were splendid! How did you do it in just eight minutes a day!!! The Phanatic was awesome and the ladybug was the cutest thing ever.

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