April 17th, 2011 by sara

Trains and Drawings

Last weekend, we saw that Toys-R-Us was having a Thomas activity day, so we went to check it out and the kids loved playing at the train table.


And of course, Nora’s right there, figuring out how to play, too.




Then that afternoon, Jonah and I walked over to the fairgrounds where they were having a model railroad show, and he put a smile on the faces of many old train collectors with his excited yells about some engine or freight car that he saw. He even got to use the controller for one of the little engines and made it go forward and backward.


And now some of Jonah’s recent drawings…

He drew me “a replay” of something he saw in a baseball game because I missed it and he felt that it was very important for me to see what happened. Here we have the pitcher (in blue) on the mound throwing the ball to the batter who’s standing in his batter’s box. They are even wearing cleats (my favorite part).


Then the second baseman had to dive to catch the ball and get to second base to get the runner out. Also, it is a night game with a moon and some stars. (He’s been working very hard trying to draw stars lately. Nora really likes it when I draw stars for her, and I think it makes him want to draw them, too.)


Earlier this week, I was doing something with Nora, and Jonah was working at his table. He was making up rules for a game that he thought of using his ‘Thomas reader’, which is one of those red cellophane things you can hold over a special design to see the ‘secret’ message underneath. He was very proud to explain the rules to me. It says, “Flip the Thomas reader arond and arond til Thomas reader lands on one of the engines we hvint seen before.” (You kind of have to look around the page for the words near the end – ‘on one of the engines’ is mirror image at the bottom). :)


And when that happened, we got to cross off a number on the scoreboard he made to go with this game.


A dump truck driving on a sunny AND rainy day, so there’s also a rainbow, of course!


Finally, Nora gets a turn to try drawing on the iPad, because if Jonah does it…


She draws a lot of ‘ducks’ and is very pleased with herself when she does. :)


One Response to “Trains and Drawings”
  1. Gran and Grandad says

    Wow, so busy everybody is!!!! Jonah/Nora, did you know Uncle Larry works at Toys-R-us? When we see you nest month, he can tell you all about it.

    Love to you all!

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