March 3rd, 2010 by sara

Nora at Three Months


Nora’s settling into more of a routine these days. After waking in the morning, she is at her absolute happiest for the next two hours – smiling all over the place and content to do just about anything. At almost exactly the two hour mark she starts fussing, and I have finally learned that what she wants is a nap, so she gets wrapped up and is asleep in minutes. When she wakes up about an hour later, she is very happy for another two hours, and then naps again. Happily, this is typically her longest nap of the day and often coincides with Jonah’s. After this next wakeup, the rest of the day is always different – sometimes sleepy, sometimes awake, sometimes, cranky, sometimes happy – but at least for the first half of the day, I know what to expect from her now. She still sleeps great overnight, usually waking only once towards the early morning.

She continues to get more social, and has started having ‘conversations’ where she takes turns gurgling and cooing with someone. Jonah also likes this and tries to tell me what she’s saying when something she babbles sounds like an actual word. Yesterday we went to the library storytime for Jonah, and for the first time, Nora sat on my lap and watched everything very intently. Usually she just wants to snuggle in the wrap and fall asleep, but now she’s starting to get very interested in the puppets and the other kids. Although she hasn’t laughed out loud at us yet, there have been two occasions where something in her dream was funny enough to get a laugh, so I look forward to hearing more of that soon. :)

Nora hasn’t done much more in the way of rolling, just the very occasional accidental roll, and that’s usually when she’s mad about being on her tummy. That’s ok, though. Pretty soon, Jonah’s going to have to be a lot more careful about where he puts his things once she’s on the move because she’s learned how to put stuff in her mouth. When something interesting is held in front of her, Nora will often reach out to grab it and try to get it in her mouth. Her favorite toys for doing this are her plastic linking rings, but she also really likes things that make crinkly noises and enjoys a rattle-y frog that has a mirror in it. She is doing a lot better at holding up her head and keeping her balance and will sometimes be happy in her bumbo seat for a half hour or so. And she did a great job sitting in the rocking chair all by herself for this month’s photo. Last month, we definitely needed someone nearby to spot her and catch her when she tipped.

Weight: 12 lb 7 oz

Height: 23 1/2 in

Here’s one more photo from this morning. She’s watching Jonah play music (as usual).



3 Responses to “Nora at Three Months”
  1. Gran and Grandad says

    Good to see her progressing so well. Thanks for the detailed note, Sara. Where do you find the time?

    Love from us

  2. Mike and Christy says

    What a beauty! It is amazing how quickly they change!

  3. Grandma and Grandpa says

    Three months already-WOW, it’s going by too fast!! Nora, you are such a little doll- we love you bunches & bunches! :)

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