March 25th, 2009 by sara

Jonah’s Stove

Jonah really likes to help out in the kitchen and pretend that he’s cooking things. So a few days ago, when I came across a website with a picture of a stove made out of a cardboard box, I was excited to make one for Jonah. Today during (a long) naptime, I was able to finish this up, and he’s spent a LOT of time with it already! I cut some food pictures off of packages, and he had great fun stirring them up, turning on the burners, ‘tasting’ his food, and putting pasta in and out of the oven.


Checking on the pasta – “hot hot”


Ready to eat


“turn pasta on”




Crazy excited face



6 Responses to “Jonah’s Stove”
  1. Aunt Jeanne says

    Sara, that is AWESOME! I bet Jonah is so excited to be able to do his own cooking. At this rate, he’ll be in great shape for when he heads off to college.

  2. Wow. I’m impressed at your creativity Sara. It looks great and Jonah looks like he’s having a great time.

  3. Gran and Grandad says

    Clever Mom!!

  4. Colleen & Cameron says


  5. Grandma and Grandpa says

    Unbelievable job on that stove!! Jonah will be the next star on the Food Network! :)

  6. Nanny and Granpy says

    Wow what a great job on that stove. Jonah should have no trouble with cooking on that beautiful stove. I can’t get over how smart that little guy is, it took him just minutes to learn how to work and cook on that stove.
    It would take his Nanny much longer to learn how to cook and work that stove. Great job Jonah and Mommy!!!
    Love you,
    Nanny and Granpy

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