Archive for the ‘Art’ Category

October 14th, 2010 by sara

And She Paints, Too

Jonah was doing some Halloween painting, and since Nora is totally interested in everything he does, I let her have a try, too. She was extremely pleased with herself and so excited to get to hold a paintbrush! She even managed to get quite a few lines and paint splats on her paper (and hands and face). The painting went on for a while before she tried to eat the paintbrush, and once she made her move, Jonah started cheering her on to eat it, eat it, eat it…

October 11th, 2010 by sara

Chalk Drawing

I hadn’t been giving Nora any real chances to try drawing because I assumed (somewhat correctly) that she would just try to eat whatever I gave her. Apparently though, she’s been paying a lot of attention to what Jonah does on the easel because when she got her hands on a chunk of chalk the other day, she knew just what to do with it. She was pretty pleased with herself for several minutes as she pounded away on the chalkboard, making lots of dots. Then she remembered that she did just want to eat chalk. ;)

November 27th, 2009 by sara


Jonah’s easel has been in our kitchen area for a while now, and it’s a great thing to keep him happy and occupied while I’m getting food ready. He will often request that I draw a part of a truck or something and then he happily finishes it off. Lately, though, he’s started doing more faces and pictures completely on his own and loves to share them with whomever is around.

Here are a few of my recent favorites along with his comments about them.

“Did you just make a blue pumpkin face with a stem on top??!!”


“The snowman and the big skeleton head are talking to each other.”


“There is an ‘oh-my-goodness’ face and a big skeleton face!”


He’s also started to copy and write a few letters. H’s and O’s are his favorites, so he can write ‘ho ho ho,’ which is great for him since he loves to find and talk about Santa.


And he draws his own Santas.

“This Santa has a huuuuuge beard!”


“And now he needs a Santa hat…”


“…with a little ball on the end of it.”


He really loves to draw!


November 9th, 2009 by sara


Peter Mulvey, one of Sean’s (and therefore, Jonah’s) favorite musicians was in town tonight, and we knew that Jonah would love to go see him. He talks about “playing like Peter” all the time and makes daily requests to watch videos of him playing specific songs on youtube. Jonah studies these videos very carefully, and then tries to mimic how Peter plays, moves, and taps his feet.



Unfortunately, the venue didn’t allow minors (even 2-year-olds) after 8:30, so we went a little earlier just to see the soundcheck. When we got there, there was an Irish music jam going on with about ten people playing all sorts of instruments – fiddles, harp, accordion, guitars, drums – and Jonah watched them intently for over an hour! He is just so totally fascinated by music. One of the guys even gave Jonah a little shaker to play along for a while. Then Peter started setting up and joined in.


We got to talk to Peter a little bit about how Jonah enjoys his songs, and he happily played part of Jonah’s favorite one after everything was ready.


Also, Jonah asked me to draw him a ukulele earlier today, so I just made the outline, and now he loves to finish them by adding the sound hole, tuners, and strings.


November 6th, 2009 by sara

Funny Guys

Jonah has really been enjoying when we draw part of a dump truck and he gets to finish it. Tonight when he wanted to draw, I made him some heads and asked him to draw the faces on. He was pretty proud of his ‘funny guys’ and liked picking the colors for their eyes and hair.


“Are you giving him a big bubble nose? Maybe he has some boogers in that big nose.”


The Funny Guys



The ones at the bottom with orange hair also have orange mustaches.