Archive for the ‘Sleep’ Category

December 19th, 2007 by sara

Sleeping off the Shots

Poor little Jonah got his second round of shots today. He fell asleep (with his favorite chew toy) on the short car ride home, and will be very sad to find that he wakes up with sore legs. :(


October 6th, 2007 by sara

Naptime and Storytime

Jonah has taken his first naps in his big crib. On days when he doesn’t fall asleep in his carseat on our walk, I’ve been putting him in the crib in his own room. It makes him look so tiny again!

In the big crib

Rear view

Jonah has also started to enjoy books. Hooray! Now we have something else to do with our waking hours. He especially likes The Very Hungry Caterpillar.



October 1st, 2007 by sara

Mom’s Birthday

When Jonah asked me what I wanted for my birthday, I told him, “SLEEP.” Sweet little guy, he did his best. Here’s how he spent most of that day…

Back Sleepin’

Tummy Sleepin’

Then he woke up and helped Dad tune his guitar for a little concert

It’s a little flat, Dad.

Oh, I love this song!

Watching the ceiling fan and looking cute in his froggy sleeper


September 23rd, 2007 by sara

Aaahhhhhh… the sleeping baby

Jonah is not much of a daytime sleeper, but I’m finding that strangely enough, his car seat is the place he’s most likely to nap for more than 15 minutes. So we’ve started going for late morning walks in his car seat/stroller combo followed by a multi-hour nap – walk and nap – good for mom AND baby!

Nap in the nest

Time for long sleeves

September 19th, 2007 by sara

Good Times with Mom and Dad

Jonah spent a little time in the rain with Dad as part of his Northwest Appreciation Training. Then he followed up on some Hokie football news, and was pleased to see that the offense started scoring touchdowns. With Mom, Jonah squeezes out a few hours of early morning sleep (thank goodness) and then gets in on some of the family self-photo action.

Oh, and Jonah rolled over this morning – several times – from tummy to back! Video soon to follow…

Hey! I’m getting wet!

What IS a Hokie, Dad?

Ahhh…. Sleep

Jonah and Mom

Isn’t that cute?