August 5th, 2008 by seans

Jonah Sings!

On most days, Jonah and I try to have some music time, and recently he has begun to sing along! Here he is, singing and playing the guitar (all of the strumming is Jonah). . . . near the end of the track he finds something else to get excited about and starts pointing in that direction. He’ll tell you all about it! Enjoy.



7 Responses to “Jonah Sings!”
  1. Grandma and Grandpa says

    What a GREAT song, Jonah!! Your Grandpa predicted it (after your Outdoor Fun posting) when he said “Jonah’s a rock star”. :)

  2. Funny how, even being on the other side of the world, i cannot completely escape the puns. Haha! Play on, babyman, play on…

  3. Colleen & Cameron says


  4. Go Jonah, it’s ya birthday…….

  5. Gran and Grandad says

    Dearest Jonah Babe, Happy Birthday for #1. We are so glad you came to live with this large “SharleyBarp” or “BarleySharp” (whatever) family. You couldn’t be loved any more than you are. Looking forward to all the coming adventures as you move on to #2.

  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!!! Good job growing. I love you and look forward to lots more years of seeing you grow. Horses and Africa-don’t forget, we will do those things together.

  7. Awesome Aunt Lisa says

    Happy Birthday, Jonahpants! Did you get my voicemail this morning? Hope you enjoyed all your presents, we can’t wait to see the photos. :)

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